Anti-cellulite Treatment

Cellulite, a common yet complex concern, can significantly impact the appearance and texture of the skin. We understand the desire for smoother, more toned skin. Here at EMC Elie Melhem Clinics, we offer a comprehensive approach to cellulite reduction, utilizing a combination of advanced technologies and personalized treatment plans.

There are various stages of cellulite, with each requiring different levels of treatment:

Our clinic offers a variety of effective treatments, including Shockawave , vaccum and infrarouge therapy& Microneedling with Radiofrequency, to  reduce cellulite

How many sessions you will need?

During your consultation, our qualified professionals will assess your cellulite stage, skin condition, and desired outcome. Based on this, we’ll create a personalized treatment plan to effectively target your cellulite and achieve optimal results.


1. Why do woman gets cellulite more than man ?

Cellulite is a widespread issue, affecting as many as 90% of women and up to 20% of men during their lives. This is primarily due to the distinct ways fat is distributed in the body: men store fat in a grid-like lattice structure, whereas women have a more open arrangement. The root cause of cellulite lies in fibrous bands known as septa, which connect the skin to the underlying tissue. When fat accumulates between these bands, it protrudes, creating the characteristic dimpled appearance on the skin's surface.

2. Is cellulite inherited?

Your genetic makeup can influence the likelihood of developing cellulite. If your parents have experienced it, you are more prone to developing it as well.

3. Is all the cellulite the same?

Cellulite varies in its appearance and severity, classified into four grades: 1. Grade 1: Cellulite is not visible even when the skin is pinched. 2. Grade 2: Cellulite is not visible when standing or lying down, but becomes visible when the skin is pinched. 3. Grade 3: Cellulite is visible when standing, but not when lying down. 4. Grade 4: Cellulite is visible both when standing and lying down.

4.What are the types of cellulites?

There are different types of cellulites: 1. Aqueous cellulite: Found throughout the body, aqueous cellulite often results from water retention, giving the skin an orange peel appearance. 2. Adipose cellulite: This type of cellulite is visible only when the skin is pinched and is typically caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet. 3. Fibrous cellulite: Often painful to the touch and appearing as hard bumps, fibrous cellulite is most commonly found on the hips and thighs.

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